Q: How did you start blogging?
A: With my computer.

Q: Is this your first blog?
A: No.

Q: Do you have a Twitter?
A: I tweet on my twat often. @ShavedGolf

Q: How did you make your background?
A: Magic...and this helpful website: Big Huge Labs

Q: Do you get hate mail?
A: No.

Q: Death threats?
A: Not yet. 

Q: Marriage proposals?
A: On occasion.

Q: Are those ads on your blog?!
A: How observant of you.

Q: Why did you whore out your blog to The Man?
A: Gotta keep the lights on and my beer fund flush.

Q: Ever tried a raspberry lambic?
A: Yes

Q: Do any of these questions really get asked?
A: No
