Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Queue Cluster

Ideas are bountiful, content is not.  Entry topics present themselves almost daily.  I scramble to jot down titles in hopes of a flash of brilliance later.  A later date when I become motivated.  A moment when I'm in the zone.  Don't let me into my zone.  I'm definitely in my zone.

The StoryTime queue currently has forty drafts.  40.  Four.  Zero.  That's forty topics that have yet to be fleshed out.  Just sittin' there.  Chillin'.  Not doing shit.  Hanging out in their parent's basement.  Collecting dust like your VHS collection.  Well fuck it.  I'm gonna put these useless bastards to work.  I'll name drop and maybe even give a preview of the shit to come.  The eclectic mish mash of titles should convey one thing: this blog is random.

Here now, in order when which they were last worked on, the 39 other entries in the StoryTime queue...

Hooded Warriors to Coast: The Rules
My future team has some future rules for future dominance.

Things I MUST Learn
I'm stoopid and need some education.

Amusing Searches: The Third
You've seen the first two, now wait for me to polish this bitch up.

Bitchin' Balcony Basics
I've got a balcony and need to brag about it.

Learning to Cry
Does this title make me less of a man?

I Love Bananas
It's true.

Ikea: A Love/Hate Relationship
You love it.  You hate it.  It's the shitty furniture we all buy.

Where Your Ex Is Now
I'm not bitter!

fat sci fi
The name says it all.

So You Think You Can Dance Sober?

Adventures of Drunk ShavedGolf: The Scottish Protector
This is actually a good story that I'll tell someday.  Promise.

Adventures of Young ShavedGolf: The Unicycle Slow Race
This is actually a decent story that I haven't quite figured out yet.  Promise.

The Seven Undateable Professions
As soon as you read what they are, you'll go, " right."

Match Day Attire
What to wear to a Timbers match...and other gay fashion advice.

Regrettable Mental Rumination
We all have regrets.  This blog draft is one of mine.

Down With The Sickness
I got sick and thought it was a unique experience.

Full Disclosure Analysis
I over analyze things that would make you cringe.

The Entitlement Epidemic - title already used...balls
Thought I was being unique.

The Anti-Hipster
I really hate hipsters.

Standardized Toilet Paper
This is a good idea.

Why Bachelors Can't Have Nice Things
*SPOILER*  Because we break them.

Reforming Education Reform
The education system under the ShavedGolf regime.

Planning Phuture Philanthropy
Because I'll be a benevolent billionaire.

Herding Cats to Naked Chicks
Ever planned a bachelor party?

My Gym Time
Don't keep me from it.

Lessons Learned with Kindly Uncle Martin
I have an uncle.  He is kindly and very wise.

Old Man Winter a dick.

Adventures in Dating: The Bitch Ass Hipster Whore
I REALLY hate hipsters.

Wednesdays with Me
You've spent many a hump day with me.

How I Became Legen...Wait For It...
Gee...I wonder what he could possibly be referencing?

Fore Score
Just yell fore and make it all better.

Liking Likes: The Thumb Whore Epidemic
Another Zuckerberg creation.


How I Didn't Meet Your Mother
Gee...I wonder what he could possibly be referencing?

Unicycles in Chicago
I can ride one.  I've never been there.

Three People Who Aren't Me
We all have doppelgängers. I have three.

Ferris Bueller's 25th Anniversary: Where Are They Now?
This is a year late.

avatar extra nerd points for making him look similar to iron man
So vague and I'm gonna leave it that way.

In Flight Commentary
A trite piece of shit about flying, airplanes, the TSA, and that fat guy in the seat next to you.

This is the cemetery of the fallen.  Wounded warriors.  The guys that never made it.  These are the posts that will never see the light of day.  I suppose there's always the possibility of reform.  The entries could go through rehab.  Be reworked.  Re-energized.  Rewritten.  But in their current state, they're an embarrassment.  They suck.  You deserve better.  I can do better.  I aim to do just that.


1 comment:

  1. I wanna hear the slow unicycle story. Take me back to my childhood!

    p.s. Wildcasts rock!
