It starts off small and on the side of your barely give it the time of day and figure it's just popping it's periscope above ground to see what's up.

Suddenly the bastard grows. It was probably your razor that did it...disturbed it...made it self-aware, Sky Net style. Before you know it, you're neck is a microcosm of a scene in a B movie where a volcano takes over the city.

Then, sensing your insecurity relating to it's presence, the damn thing invites its friends over. The zit goes super nova on your ass and it's gravitational pull attracts the likes of smaller, yet no less annoying, pimples.

Realizing you've lost the battle AND the war, you give in to the terrorist's demands and stop shaving that area of your forehead/face/nose/neck/eyelid/butt crack. Now your skin looks like a hippie pimple party and the world is starting to question whether it's acne or a birth mark.

I've got no solution to your problem if this has happened to you; I'm just bitching about what-if scenarios.
I loved it, and so did Josh! Anyway . . . I evidently don't have an email address for you? And facebook is inaccessible from school, so: